re you seeking opportunities to elevate your leadership skills, expand your professional network, and engage with top-tier educational leaders? The Leadership Institute for School Principals is an executive-level leadership training program that focuses on developing and mastering key leadership dynamics in principals across Kentucky.
Applications for the class of 2026 closed February 3, 2025.
“As principals, we spend so much time looking outward at others and solving others problem, but we don’t take the time to look inward at ourselves and focus on our own fallacies and short comings. This program has allowed me to do that and learn about myself and how I can improve.”

Thomas Radivonyk
Principal, Lyon County High School, Lyon County
“One word that I would use to describe this program would be phenomenal. I walked away from each training session with friendships instead of colleagues, accountability partners and people that have become like family. Without this experience, I don’t think any of us would have the passion and drive and willingness to keep doing this job, because it is not an easy job.”

Carrie Caples
Principal, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Christian County
"This program has made me to be more self-aware not just in my professional life, but also in my personal life as well. It has allowed me to understand not only why I do what I do, but how others may perceive me in that process.” “I believe this entire program has been done with excellence.”

Cynthia Bell
Principal, Zoneton Middle School, Bullitt County